Spoiled Boy Mocks Stewardess Not Knowing His Rich Dad Has Been Watching Him – Story of the Day 35

Andrew, 17, is used to getting what he wants and mistreating people when he doesn’t, but his father determines he should learn respect after he mistreats a flight attendant.

“Will he be okay?”

Steven gazed down at his wife after watching his seventeen-year-old son walk to the airport boarding gate.

“Oh, Andrew will be fine,” he said.

“I hope this new school teaches him humility.”

“But what if the dorms mistreat him?” Steven’s wife looked up. “He’s never attended boarding school.”

It’s the point. Clenched jaw, Steven. “Andrew is spoiled and needs to learn some tough life lessons.”

Andrew flew home for the holidays months after his first semester of boarding school. He despised every minute there and wanted to go back to his powerful computer and luxurious car from his sixteenth birthday.

Hey, you.” Andrew waved to the freckled redhead flight attendant.

“How can I help, sir?” The flight attendant grinned.

“You can get me something better to snack on than peanuts.” Andrew threw her the peanut bag.

The flight attendant frowned. “Please don’t throw things at me, Sir.”

“I’ll do what I like,” Andrew said. “You’re here to serve me, so stop complaining and work.”

Stop talking to her like that.” The older man next to Andrew looked at him.

“Just because she serves us doesn’t mean you can disrespect her.”

Andrew snapped at the flight attendant and rolled his eyes. “I’m awaiting my snack.”

Flight attendant left with a sad face. The elderly man next to him shook his head.

“Your parents must be so disappointed in you,” the old guy said.

“Nobody asked you, old man.” Andrew browsed movie options.

Flight attendant returned with pretzel after a few minutes.

“Here you go, sir,” she offered him the pretzel. “If anything else—”

Andrew mocked and slapped her pretzel. “No pretzel!”

Flight attendant retreated, crying. “On this flight, we only serve peanuts and pretzels.”

“That’s pathetic, like you.” Seated, Andrew leaned forward. Get me a proper snack now!

“How dare you talk to her like that?” A woman stood from her seat across the aisle and laid a hand on the flight attendant’s arm.

I wouldn’t have to if she did her job.” Andrew pointed at the flight attendant.

“She’s a bad servant.”

The flight attendant cried. The woman passenger comforted her.

A hiding should be given to you, young man.” The elderly passenger next to Andrew frowned.

I concur.” Someone grabbed his shoulder.

Andrew now grasped what his father was teaching him.
Andrew recognized the voice. His dad behind him surprised him and he turned. His face was flushed with rage.

“What are you doing here, Dad?” Andrew asks.

Steven said, “Flying home from a business trip. “I hoped we might meet on the plane, but I never imagined it would be like this. Please apologize to this girl and the other passengers immediately.”

Andrew shrugged and apologized. He didn’t understand why, but he knew not to disobey his irate father.

Steven marched Andrew to his second-floor office in the magnificent residence when his parents arrived.

“This ends now.”

Steven closed the door and pointed at Andrew. “Your behavior is disgusting. I thought boarding school would teach you etiquette, but I was wrong.”

“Why the big deal?” Andrew threw his arms. “She’s a flight attendant. Not like she matters.”

Andrew, that’s your issue. You assume you’re better than others since you came from an affluent background and can treat people badly.” Steven crossed arms. “That’ll change.”

“What does that mean?”

You won’t return to that school. You’ll graduate from public school and work on vacation.”

“Working?” Andrew straightened. Are you hiring me at your company?

Steven grinned. You could say that. My cleaning company will hire you as a janitor.”

Andrew was appalled.

“I won’t!”

“You will because I’m removing your privileges. Taking your bank cards, computer, car, and phone. I’m stealing your brand-name clothes.” Steven clutched his hips. “You’ll learn what respect is.”

Andrew had no choice. His father grabbed his belongings, and he became an airport janitor the next day.

Andrew had no cleaning skills. His coworker, an elderly woman, scoffed at him for not sweeping or mopping. She was yelled at and threatened with termination for laughing at him.

“No, you won’t,” she said, pointing. “Your father warned me about you—get to work. The floors don’t clean themselves.”

Andrew sighed and swept. His boss teased him for being clumsy. Andrew was powerless to stop his anger.

Something hit him while cleaning trash cans. He turned to see an empty takeaway carton thrown at him.

“Hey!” Andrew yelled at the carton thrower. How dare you toss that at me.”

The man ignored Andrew, so he chased and grabbed his arm.

“I’m talking to you,” Andrew said.

Andrew fell after being shook hard by the man. “Get your filthy hands off me, dirty janitor.”

Andrew watched the man flee in disbelief. Was this how it felt to be ignored? Andrew disliked it. He looked around as he was kicked.

“Get out of the way, lazy bum.” She smirked at him after kicking him.

“I’ll report you for sleeping at work.”

Andrew now grasped what his father was teaching him. He realized how much it felt to be abused by superiors.

Andrew glanced up at a red flash. He ran over to the flight attendant he’d insulted.

He muttered, “I’m so sorry,” when he approached her. ‘I treated you so badly.”

She was astonished to see him but smiled when he apologized.

She said, “I’m glad you’ve learned the error of your ways.”

What can this story teach us?

Everyone deserves respect. Even if someone has a menial job, they deserve respect.
Children must sometimes learn the hard way. Without firsthand experience, children may not grasp life’s deeper lessons.

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