The royal family starts a new era when King Charles meets his grandson.

It was so sweet to see King Charles cry when he finally met his new grandson, the third child of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle. Three days after the baby was born, the meeting was a big moment for the royal family.

As King Charles welcomed his grandson into the family, the touching moment was filled with both happiness and tears. The monarch used the chance to publicly say that the baby’s name is Prince.

This important event marks the start of a new era for the queen and the strengthening of family ties. The public and the royal family are both happy about the birth of the baby, who is a beautiful mix of heritage and variety.

When Prince Harry told everyone that his son had been born, he was filled with joy. He praised his wife Meghan’s strength and resiliency, saying, “It’s been the most amazing experience I can ever imagine!”

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